It is a structured approach that ensures problems are properly defined and the right solutions are generated. It is based on the design thinking methodology of separating problem and solution spaces.

The first three elements of the BRIGHT™ process, Brief, Research, and Immersion ensure we have the highest quality inputs into the subsequent concept generation stage.


This activity aims to collate problem statements and drill into the root causes to fully understand the problems we are trying to solve. This helps us to ensure we fully understand any technical or commercial constraints that might exist, as well as their associated implications.


Researching the users, technology, industry and IP gives us a more complete understanding of the landscape. It allows us to see how others may have already solved the same or similar problems.


Immersion helps us to understand needs and develop insight. It involves observation, interviewing and walking in the shoes of stakeholders, including end-users through a Voice of Customer study, giving us a deeper understanding of their needs.

The last three elements of the BRIGHT™ process, Generate, Harvest, and Top Ideas is where we generate solutions and concepts then efficiently assess them to select the best solution to a given problem.

Generate Ideas

Specifically targeted ideation sessions are conducted to generate, prototype, test and learn from a range of relevant concepts and ideas. Go wide.


Candidate concept ideas and solutions are collated in a trade-off matrix where we asses each of them against design criteria that includes constraints, other priorities and selection criteria determined in the ‘BRI’ stages.

Top Ideas

The selected Top Idea(s) is then further refined and scrutinized from an engineering and design perspective in preparation for final presentation and review with all stakeholders.

Want to learn more?

The BRIGHT™ process is one of 6 key takeaways in Planet Innovation’s BRIGHT™ workshop.

The BRIGHT workshop is a fast moving, interactive workshop designed to equip you with practical skills, a proven framework and powerful real-world insights into becoming more innovative by one of the world’s most innovative companies, Planet Innovation.

The workshop will make you examine your current approach to innovation before providing you with tools and techniques to break conventions and become a more powerful innovator and leader.

Contact us about a BRIGHT workshop

What BRIGHT attendees say:

“If we’d done this program earlier, we may have avoided certain mistakes and we’d have made faster progress.”

“The program provided a useful framework, access to skilled and experienced industry experts and opportunities for networking.”


The workshop is led by world-class facilitators who have successfully built market leading products and businesses into commercial success stories.

The program is highly interactive, practical and educational. Leaving participants inspired and empowered.

Key Takeaways
  • A framework to understand innovation
  • Practical skills and experience in applying problem solving tools and techniques
  • Principles that can be applied in practical situations to achieve commercial success
  • An understanding of how to build and lead an innovative team
  • How to avoid the common mistakes that entrepreneurs make
  • Strategies to market you and your company as innovative